Premarital Counseling

Often, people jump into marriage assuming that after marriage their emotional, sexual, social and sometimes financial needs will be taken care of. However, if the person does not get what he or she expects from his or her spouse, chaos is created in marriage and conflicts can arise. This is why pre-marriage counseling is important. During these counseling sessions, couples are made aware of the probable causes of conflicts and their solutions.

What is Premarital Counseling?

A stable marriage requires a healthy relationship between the husband and wife. However, maintaining a healthy relationship is not easy and calls for efforts from both partners. With the kind of lifestyle we are all leading, adjustment and cooperation seems to be a rare quality. The lack of commitment spearheads divorces. So what can be done to slow down the already dwindling marriage rates. I help couples identify the strengths and weaknesses of their relationship.

During the session couples discuss issues such as social activities, financial management, beliefs, anger management, likes and dislikes, relationships, parenting, etc.

I work with couples regarding different ways to solve issues than can shake the foundation of marriage. Moreover, I will explain how every person has certain values, beliefs and expectations and it's not necessary that your expectations and values match those of your partners. This difference may result in conflicts disturbing the relationship between a couple. Thus, premarital counseling helps by making one understand the expectations of one's partner before marriage, thereby, minimizing the gaps in communication and understanding before marriage.

A couple walking on a pier at sunset

Preparing for Premarital Counseling

Preparing for marriage involves much more than merely arranging for a wedding party or shopping for the wedding dress. It involves understanding the implications of entering a lifetime covenant.

During pre-marriage counseling I will seek information regarding overall planning after marriage, relationships and financial information. To help you get a better idea, here are a few sample premarital counseling questions, that can be asked during a counseling session. The actual questionnaire contains more questions, related to the particular category, however, the gist of the premarital counseling questions will be similar to the list below.

Premarital Questions to Ask Yourself

Questions for After Your Marriage

  • How much time would you spend with your family daily?
  • How do you plan to distribute domestic work between the two of you?
  • Have you prepared a budget for after the marriage?

Questions About Your Relationship

  • Do you feel happy when you spend time with your partner?
  • Are you willing to sign a prenuptial agreement?
  • Any behavioral change you expect from your partner?
  • Do you think you can maintain a sound sexual and emotional relationship with your partner?

Questions About Your Finances

  • Are you in any kind of debt? How have you planned to repay it?
  • Are you medically insured?
  • Have you made any investments?


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